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Health Guarantee...



Updated Sept 13, 2023

applies to all sale from this date 

Lifetime Genetic Health Guarantee:

To the best of sellers/breeders knowledge said Corgi is in good health and free from visible signs of infection and contagious or communicable diseases when purchased and has been immunized with all the following vaccinations :

Parvo, Para Influenza, Distemper, Adenovirus, and Bordatella upon request.

If your puppy is diagnosed by a suitably qualified veterinarian as having a life threatening or seriously disabling defect of certain congenital/genetic origin any time in its life we at our discretion, will either offer a replacement puppy or pay your medical insurance deductible. We reserve the right to require a second opinion from a veterinarian of our choice at our expense. If the puppy is euthanized or in any way disposed of, without a second opinion from the seller’s veterinarian, the buyer waives all rights to a replacement or monetary compensation of a medical deductible.

The most common genetic diseases in Corgis – DM, VwD1, EIC - are covered by this Guarantee.


Note:  This warranty is void in the event of an undetermined or inconclusive diagnosis.  Diseases of likely environmental origin (likely to be caused by suboptimal diet, chemicals, or trauma) are not covered.

If your puppy dies, you must have a necropsy performed by a suitably qualified veterinarian at your expense to determine the cause of death.  Your puppy will be replaced at our discretion if the death was caused by a genetic problem or an illness which your puppy had at the time of purchase.  For this reason, it is mandatory  to have your puppy checked by your own veterinarian within 72 hours of purchase and send me a copy of the vet exam.

For the long-term health of your puppy we recommend a diet containing at least 20% raw meaty bones, minimal exposure to food additives, Prolif Probiotics and de-sexing at 12 months of age or older.  We also recommend minimizing exposure to veterinary drugs (such as flea and heart worm treatments, vaccinations and wormers) to the minimum dosage and frequency needed to safeguard your pet’s health.

Lifetime Rehoming Guarantee

Your puppy also has a lifetime rehoming guarantee with us, so should you have an inability to care for him or her in the future, you can contact us at any stage of your puppy's life.  Under no circumstances must your puppy ever be given up to a shelter.


The fact that puppy has been immunized does not guarantee immunity. It MUST have a series of vaccinations, with the final boosters given at 4 and 5 months.


“Due to the varying kinds of food and different environmental conditions the puppies come in contact with and the fact that all puppies have immune systems that take time to mature, for the best interest of your puppy it is highly recommend that your puppy remain on Prolif Probiotics as directed on my website to promote optimal health for a lifetime. This guarantee is null and void if your puppy/corgi does not remain on Prolif Probiotics.


ProLif probiotics which can be purchased on my website. This will help combat all the added stress puppies go through. Which most buyers do not give much thought about. Kids, other pets, change of environment , new noises, competing for food, teething, growth spurts, vet visits, grooming visits, new routine, new water, new food etc. ProLif Probiotics helps strengthen their immune systems to help prevent sickness and other medical issues.


Puppy is currently eating American Journey Active Puppy Salmon and Brown Rice formula purchased from Chewy. Puppy is to remain on this food. If buyer wishes to switch puppies food in the future seller suggests buyer do so at least 3 months after purchase. Your puppy is already experiencing an extreme amount of stress wether  you think so or not. DO NOT cause him/her even more by fixing what is not broke.


Your puppy should receive regular vaccinations which include Parvo Virus every 2 to 3 weeks until 16 weeks to 20 weeks of age. Parvo Virus can be picked up on the bottom of your shoes and carried back home. It is very important that you be very cautions and very careful with your new puppy as far as what and how many people you expose him or her to until at least 2 weeks after the very last vaccines at 16 to 20 weeks of age. There is a new strain of  Parvo that no vaccine is available for and giving an additional parvo vaccine at 16 and 20 weeks will carry over and help cross protect your puppy. However, you still need to do your part and not expose him or her to people, places and things at an early age. Dog parks, vet clinics, puppy classes, areas where stray dogs travel, Pets Mart, Pet Stores etc... I guarantee that my vaccination protocol is UTD and your puppy has received all age appropriate vaccinations and worming.


Because there are certain strains of Parvo that no vaccination is available for, this guarantee DOES NOT cover Parvo.

 1. BUYER MUST TAKE THE PUPPY TO THE VETERINARIN WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RECEIVING PUPPY and send me a copy of the results for this contract and for the genetic health guarantee to be in effect. Injury beyond seller's control is not guaranteed.

Every effort is made to ensure the puppy's health and well-being. Seller/breeder is not responsible  (puppies go through stress during moves to their new homes) for environmental induced disorders such as, but not limited to, kennel cough, pneumonia, hypoglycemia , coccidiosis, allergies, giardia, parasites, mites, and other autoimmune  disorders that are not covered in the guarantee. These conditions are all treatable and do not warrant an exchange in puppy.

All Puppies come with 30 days of free accidental and medical insurance at no cost to you. There is also NO WAITING PERIODS! I Highly recommend you take advantage of this offer and activate your policy within the 24 hour period of picking your puppy up. You may also purchase pet or mortality insurance on your own for your puppy as soon as you place a deposit on your puppy.


Once puppy leaves my home, I can no longer assume any responsibility. 


If puppy becomes sick or dies before puppy leaves sellers care. Puppy will be replaced with another of equal value when available. 



Every preventative effort has been made by seller/breeder ( Worming's, vaccinations , albon, treatments, probiotics etc.) to help guard against these types of problems.


2. Buyer must have their vet give puppy a 5 way combo vaccine and 5 days of Panacur De-Wormer. I must be informed immediately if the examination's result by email or by telephone and a copy of the paper work submitted to me via the email or text. Failure to complete this crucial step will terminate this guarantee.

3. Buyer must send pics of your health exam results via text to 940-217-2422 or email at



The seller/breeder guarantees puppy to be in good health to the best of his/her knowledge at the time puppy leaves seller/breeders possession for delivery to buyer and for 72 hours thereafter. If the Veterinarian deems the puppy ill and must be euthanized  or unable to live a normal life. Seller will replacement puppy with another puppy of equal value when available. 


If  buyer chooses a puppy of greater value, buyer is responsible for the difference in price. All shipping cost is buyers responsibility . 

4. If  buyer purchased a puppy/dog with Full Registration and breeding rights registration forms will be received by buyer within 6 months.


5. I am not smarter than mother nature. There is no guarantee that you will be able to show or breed your puppy regardless of show or breeding potential. In addition I do not guarantee DNA testing results with any testing lab.  The curve of inaccuracies, user error, tainted samples and more are beyond my control. I do not guarantee puppy against congenital defects.

6. Contract must be signed and returned to the seller at time deposit is placed on puppy.


Buyer agrees that they have read and understand all warranties and conditions all of which I accept.


You as the buyer must fill out your information below and submit it back to me upon placing a deposit on a puppy or making a purchase a puppy/adult.

All items covered in this guarantee are replacement only. ALL SALES ARE FINAL! No monies will ever be refunded. 

This guarantee applies to the original puppy/adult and buyers only and is nontransferable to a second party or puppy.

Seller/Breeder will never be required to take any dog or puppy back that becomes ill once it has left the premises. All sales are final.  Seller/Breeder does not take any responsibility for a dogs demise while under anesthetic.


Seller/Breeder will not be responsible for injury or accident to puppy, or cost for replace, or cost for transport back to breeder (Hat Creek Corgis) once s/he leaves seller/breeders care.


In addition, Seller/Breeder makes no guarantee on eye color, coat color, hair length, ear-set  size,  DNA test results, show or working ability, or reproduction ability/capability of the puppy. Guarantee does not cover undescended testicles, overbites, underbites or inverted vulva.

Buyers Responsibility

Be sure to provide your puppy with routine preventative care, such as, but not limited to: Annual physical examinations by a licensed veterinarian. Follow veterinarian guidelines for vaccinations and de-worming.


You agree to properly socialize and expose your puppy to various situations as to develop a sound temperament. The first two years are especially important. It is strongly recommended that your puppy attend obedience school and/or puppy kindergarten. It is important that the puppy learns who the leader is and how to socialize with other puppies/dogs as well as people. 

Your new puppy will be as big as he or she is meant to be. I can give you the sizes of your puppies mom and dad, but we do breed a size variety of Corgi's and genetics can be fickle. There are no guarantees that this puppy will not end up being bigger or smaller than its parents.

Please be advised that you should not engage your puppy in high jumping or agility exercises until he is over one year of age. This guarantee does not cover hips and elbows. Puppy bones need time to grow and become strong enough for these activities.


If you are planning on breeding your puppy and  have purchased a male, do not breed him before he is a 10 mo old. If a female do not breed her before 18 months of age or this Guarantee is Null and Void.


Puppies ears will stand with time. Giving them extra calcium... i.e. cottage cheese, shredded cheese, greek yogurt or a calcium supplement can help with the ears. All the calcium goes to a puppies teeth when they are teething and bones during growth spurts etc...Providing extra calcium will help with the ears. Also during stressful situations... i.e. vaccines, your puppies ears may droop or come up and down. One thing you can also do to help with the heavier eared pups is to shave the back of their ears and tape them for a few days. That works wonders if all else fails.


All puppies purchased with full breeding rights and or registration will have the name "Hat Creeks" in the beginning of its name or "Of Hat Creeks" in the end of its name, or this health contract/guarantee will be null and void. Your puppy’s name after Hat Creeks can be chosen by you. For Example - "Hat Creeks Clara Allan" or  Smokin' Hot Banana of Hat Creeks. Have fun and be creative with your names.


Temperament is not only determined by genetics, but also by environment. Too often, nice puppies develop problems as a result of the way they were raised. I as the Seller/Breeder has no control over environment after the puppies leave, therefore I do not guarantee the temperament of puppies. I do however guarantee that all puppies are temperament tested exposed to a variety of noises, activities and such on a daily basis in every way possible while in my care .


New owner is responsible for sending updates and pics to me every 6 months so I can keep my records up to date. Please be advised, I may at any time use them for advertising purposes and they may be added to my internet pages. You can send pics via text to

940-217-2422 or email at


This health contract/ guarantee will be void if I do not receive updates and pics on your puppy every 6 months.

I wish you the best with your new puppy and if you have any questions feel free to contact me any time. I provide a life time of support and advise for your puppy.

This contract is under the jurisdiction of the State of Texas, in the county of  Cooke.  It is agreed the place of venue shall be in Gainesville Tx.


By purchasing a puppy from me, you the buyer have agreed to all the terms listed above. Feel free to print this for your records.

Below is where you sign the Health Guarantee and submit it back to me.

If you purchased a "Pet Only" with a Lifetime Genetic Health Guarantee then please Fill in Section A.) type your name and that you agree to that section.


If you purchased a puppy with "Limited Registration/ No Breeding rights with a Lifetime Genetic Health Guarantee" Please Fill in Section B.) type your name and that you agree in that section.


Same goes for those that purchased a puppy with "Full Registration and Breeding Rights with a Lifetime Genetic Health Guarantee" please fill in section C.) Type your name and that you agree in that section.

After you sign the Health Guarantee below and submit it back to me you will also need to sign the                                        and do the same. That way I can put all your info and records with your puppy.

Thanks! Message sent.

Whitesboro, Texas

At Hat Creek Corgis, the well-being of my pups and moms is of utmost importance. I maintain a closed kennel to ensure their safety, refraining from external visits, the spread of disease and other comtamanints.  However, families are welcome to pick up reserved puppies after placing a deposit, a safer procedure for other mothers and pups. Additionally, I've embraced a virtual visit policy, providing a personalized and interactive experience that minimizes disease transmission risks for my corgis. This approach not only prioritizes their health but also showcases my dedication to transparency and trust with potential parents, creating a mutually beneficial scenario for all involved.

©2011-2024 by Hat Creek Corgis. All Rights Reserved

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